Strikte Vogelperspektive
Geschrieben am 10. Januar 2014 von KPBaumgardt
Der Film “Home” ist konsequent aus der Vogelperspektive gedreht. So ein richtig langweiliger Umweltfilm? Nicht mehr aktuell? Nichts Neues?
Maral Mostafazadehfard über Google+
vor 1 Jahr
"This movie has really changed my view on the world. I mean, i’m sure we all knew this stuff, but the amazing high definition angles and inspiring words really help shake things up in my mind. This is one of those movies where you wake up the next morning and see everything in a completely different way. I am no longer a working gear in a consumerist machine, I am an awareness in a sea of human beings. With an equal love for life, and an equal goal of the survival of the species."
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